Industrial plants constructions for
alimentary industry

New and used machines revisions

You can find us by the autoroute from these exits:
  • A26 (E25) Genova-Gravellona - Casale Sud exit: southward Alessandria/Asti, along the S.S. 31 you leave S.Germano and arrive in Occimiano's industrial area.
  • A21 (E70) Torino-Piacenza - Alessandria Ovest exit: left for Casale Monferrato; after about 10 Km you will cross the centre of Occimiano and you'll meet the industrial area, immediately after the cemetery.

Our business is located in Occimiano's  (Al) industrial area in Strada Paniate, 5.
From Casale Monferrato: travel for about 6 Km on the S.S. 31 southward Alessandria and you arrive in Occimiano's industrial area which comes before the living centre; Strada Paniate is on the right at the end of the sheds.
From Alessandria: travel for about 20 Km of S.S. 31 northward Casale Monferrato/Vercelli, you will cross Mirabello and you'll arrive in the living centre of Occimiano. Walk through the whole communal centre till the cemetery, on the left of the street. Strada paniate is located immediately after, turning to the left .